
Exciting news about CHI’20…

ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (also known simply as ‘CHI’) is the top conference in human-computer interaction (HCI). Personas, as a design technique, strongly related to the domain of HCI, which is why our team’s research efforts are centered around CHI as well as other HCI conferences and journals. Anyhow, this year,

Exciting news about CHI’20… Read More »

Book Review: Personas – User Focused Design by Lene Nielsen

This review has been co-authored by Willemien Froneman, Joni Salminen, and Jim Jansen. In the second edition of Personas – User Focused Design, Dr. Lene Nielsen describes a detailed method for implementing personas in development and innovation projects. Dr. Nielsen has pioneered the use of personas in user experience and has more than 20 years’

Book Review: Personas – User Focused Design by Lene Nielsen Read More »

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