The Four Pillars of Society: Thinkers, Creators, Doers, and Deciders

Created using ChatGPT-4 (February 2024). Here is the prompt: “Write a blog post about this: Four personas that run the society 1. Thinker 2. Creator 3. Doer 4. Decider Give examples of professions belonging to each persona, as well as details of the types of people belonging to the persona.” Manual edits (mostly minor wording changes) and content check-up done by Joni Salminen.

In the intricate machinery of society, various roles intertwine to create the fabric of our communities and civilizations. Among these roles, four personas stand out for their distinct contributions and impact: the Thinker, the Creator, the Doer, and the Decider. Each persona embodies a unique set of characteristics, talents, and professions that collectively drive progress, innovation, and stability in society. Let’s delve into each persona, exploring their defining traits, professional examples, and the types of individuals who embody these roles.

1. The Thinker

Thinkers are the visionaries and philosophers of our world. They thrive on ideas, theories, and the pursuit of knowledge. These individuals are often introspective, analytical, and driven by a deep curiosity to understand the underlying principles of the universe and human existence.

Professions: This persona includes professions such as scientists, philosophers, researchers, and theorists. For example, a theoretical physicist who explores the mysteries of the cosmos or a philosopher pondering ethical dilemmas.

Characteristics: Thinkers are characterized by their critical thinking skills, intellectual curiosity, and the ability to abstract complex concepts. They are often seen as introspective, spending much time in contemplation and theoretical exploration.

2. The Creator

Creators are the innovators and artists of society. They bring new ideas, products, and art into existence through their imagination and creativity. This persona is not limited to the arts alone but extends to any field where innovation and design play a key role.

Professions: This group encompasses a wide range of professions, including artists, writers, designers, architects, and inventors. An example could be a novelist crafting intricate worlds through words or an architect designing sustainable and aesthetically pleasing living spaces.

Characteristics: Creators are distinguished by their imagination, creativity, and a constant drive to express themselves. They are often intuitive, with a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep emotional connection to their work.

3. The Doer

Doers are the workforce of society. They are pragmatic, hands-on individuals who transform ideas into reality. This persona is essential for the execution of plans, performing the necessary tasks to maintain and advance our communities and industries.

Professions: Doers can be found in professions such as engineers, craftsmen, healthcare workers, and technicians. For instance, a civil engineer implementing the designs of an architect or a nurse providing essential healthcare services.

Characteristics: Doers are characterized by their practical skills, reliability, and dedication. They have a strong work ethic, are often detail-oriented, and excel in environments where they can apply their skills to solve real-world problems.

4. The Decider

Deciders are the leaders and policymakers of society. They make crucial decisions that guide the direction of communities, organizations, and nations. This persona is critical for setting goals, developing strategies, and ensuring the stability and prosperity of society.

Professions: This persona includes politicians, business executives, judges, and administrators. An example might be a CEO setting the strategic direction of a corporation or a mayor addressing the needs of a city.

Characteristics: Deciders are marked by their leadership qualities, decision-making capabilities, and ability to see the big picture. They are strategic, persuasive, and adept at navigating complex social and organizational landscapes.

Addition by human (Joni): For me, the role of an engineer caused an issue. I primarily considered engineers to be “creators” instead of “doers” but ChatGPT thought otherwise. However, it gave a nice distinction when confronted about this, basically postulating that creativity is the separating factor — engineers might encapsulate elements from both personas, but they’re more strongly associated with doers because they implement real things. Here is the exchange between ChatGPT and I:

JONI: the creators and doers seem to overlap a lot. what is their key difference?

CHATGPT: The distinction between Creators and Doers lies primarily in their focus and approach towards tasks and challenges. While there is some overlap in their practical engagement with the world, their core motivations, processes, and end goals tend to differ. Here’s a closer look at the key differences:


  • Focus on Innovation: Creators are driven by the need to innovate, imagine, and invent. Their primary concern is not just to complete a task but to do so in a way that is novel or expresses a unique perspective.
  • Process Oriented: The process of creation itself is often as important to Creators as the outcome. They find joy in the act of making, designing, or conceptualizing, even when the process is iterative and exploratory.
  • Value Originality: Originality and uniqueness are hallmarks of a Creator’s work. They strive to produce outcomes that are distinct and reflective of their individual vision or voice.
  • Embrace Experimentation: Creators are comfortable with ambiguity and experimentation. They are willing to take risks and explore uncharted territories in pursuit of creative solutions.


  • -Focus on Execution: Doers are pragmatic and action-oriented. Their primary aim is to get things done efficiently and effectively, focusing on the practical application of ideas and solutions.
  • Outcome Oriented: While the process matters to Doers, they are more focused on achieving tangible results. The satisfaction comes from completing tasks and witnessing the impact of their work.
  • Value Efficiency: Doers prioritize efficiency and functionality. They look for the most straightforward and practical ways to accomplish tasks, often optimizing processes to save time and resources.
  • Prefer Clarity: Unlike Creators, who thrive in ambiguity, Doers prefer clear objectives and well-defined tasks. They excel in environments where goals are specific and actionable.

Overlapping Traits

Despite these differences, Creators and Doers share a common ground in their hands-on approach to problems and their capacity to bring ideas into reality. The overlap occurs in their active engagement with projects and their ability to navigate the material world through their work. However, while Creators might see a project as an opportunity to express something new or to push boundaries, Doers see it as an opportunity to apply skills, complete tasks, and achieve clear outcomes.

Understanding these nuances is crucial for individuals to recognize where their strengths lie and for organizations to leverage the unique abilities of both Creators and Doers effectively.

The Questionnaire

Finally, I asked ChatGPT to create a questionnaire that helps identify what persona one belongs to. It came up with a REALLY nice list of questions, in my opinion. Here is the “Societal Persona Identification Questionnaire” (the name is by me :):

Survey Questions

1. When faced with a problem, you are more likely to:
– A. Contemplate various solutions and their underlying principles. (Thinker)
– B. Imagine innovative or unconventional solutions. (Creator)
– C. Dive in and start working on a solution immediately. (Doer)
– D. Decide on a practical solution and delegate tasks. (Decider)

2. Your ideal weekend activity involves:
– A. Reading, researching, or exploring new theories. (Thinker)
– B. Engaging in a creative hobby, such as painting, writing, or designing. (Creator)
– C. Completing a hands-on project or helping out with a community event. (Doer)
– D. Organizing and planning upcoming events or projects. (Decider)

3. In a team project, you naturally:
– A. Generate ideas and provide in-depth analysis. (Thinker)
– B. Offer creative direction and innovative concepts. (Creator)
– C. Take charge of executing tasks and ensuring practical steps are followed. (Doer)
– D. Lead the team, make decisions, and manage resources. (Decider)

4. You are most satisfied with your work when you:
– A. Can delve into complex problems and contribute to theoretical advancements. (Thinker)
– B. Create something original or significantly improve an existing idea. (Creator)
– C. See tangible results from your efforts and know you’ve made a practical impact. (Doer)
– D. Achieve your objectives and successfully guide your team to meet goals. (Decider)

5. When learning something new, you prefer:
– A. Understanding the theory and principles behind it. (Thinker)
– B. Experimenting and exploring creative applications. (Creator)
– C. Hands-on experience and practical exercises. (Doer)
– D. Learning how it fits into broader strategies and goals. (Decider)

6. Your approach to decision-making is usually:
– A. Analytical, considering all angles and implications. (Thinker)
– B. Intuitive, guided by creativity and potential for innovation. (Creator)
– C. Pragmatic, focusing on what’s doable and efficient. (Doer)
– D. Strategic, looking at the long-term impact and alignment with goals. (Decider)

7. People often come to you for:
– A. Advice on complex issues or to gain deeper understanding. (Thinker)
– B. Creative ideas or solutions to enhance projects. (Creator)
– C. Help with executing tasks or managing practical details. (Doer)
– D. Guidance, leadership, or decision-making support. (Decider)

8. You find it most rewarding when you can:
– A. Expand your knowledge and contribute to intellectual discussions. (Thinker)
– B. Express yourself creatively and inspire others. (Creator)
– C. Work with your hands or directly apply your skills. (Doer)
– D. Influence outcomes and lead initiatives to success. (Decider)

Scoring Guide

  • Mostly A’s: You align with the Thinker persona, driven by a desire for knowledge and understanding.
  • Mostly B’s: You embody the Creator persona, with a strong inclination towards creativity and innovation.
  • Mostly C’s: You are a Doer, practical and hands-on, focused on executing and accomplishing tasks.
  • Mostly D’s: You resonate with the Decider persona, naturally inclined towards leadership and strategic decision-making.

This survey is designed to help individuals gain insights into their dominant persona, fostering self-awareness and guiding them towards roles where they can maximize their innate strengths and preferences. Respondents should be instructed to choose the option that best describes them for each question, allowing for a nuanced understanding of their predominant persona.


The Thinkers, Creators, Doers, and Deciders are integral to the fabric of society, each playing a vital role in its functioning and evolution. While individuals may embody characteristics from more than one persona, it is the combination of these diverse talents and perspectives that drives innovation, maintains order, and ensures progress. Understanding these personas can help us appreciate the variety of contributions that are essential for a balanced and thriving society. An Ancient wisdom tells, “Know yourself”, and understanding what type of a person(a) you are can contribute to professional growth.

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