In addition to developing persona analytics systems and features to create accurate and precise data-driven personas, the APG Team also conducts persona analytics research.

Here some of the APG team’s research articles about data-driven personas and pictures/images. Check ’em out!
Salminen, J., Jung, S.G., Kamel, A. M., Santos, J. M., Kwak, H., An, J., and Jansen, B. J. (2020) Using Artificially Generated Pictures in Customer-facing Systems: An Evaluation Study with Data-Driven Personas. Behaviour & Information Technology. DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2020.1838610
Salminen, J., Santos, J., Jung, S. G., and Jansen, B. J. (2020) Does a Smile Matter if the Person Is Not Real?: The Effect of a Smile and Stock Photos on Persona Perceptions. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 36(6), 568-590.
Salminen, J., Jung, S.G., An, J., Kwak, H., Nielsen, L., and Jansen, B. J. (2019) Confusion and Information Triggered by Photos in Persona Profiles. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 129 (2019), 1-14.
Salminen, J. Jung, S.G., Santos, J.M., and Jansen, B. J. (2019). The Effect of Smiling Pictures on Perceptions of Personas. User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP19). Larnaca, Cyprus. 9–12 June 2019.
Jung, S.G., An, J., Salminen, J., Kwak, H., and Jansen, B. J. (2018) Assessing the Accuracy of Four Popular Face Recognition Tools for Inferring Gender, Age, and Race (Short Paper), International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2018), Stanford, CA, USA, 25-28 June, 624-627.
Salminen, J., Nielsen, L., An, J., Jung, S.G., Kwak, H., and Jansen, B. J. (2018) Is More Better?: Impact of Multiple Photos on Perception of Persona Profiles. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2018), Montréal, Canada, 21-26 April, Paper No. 317.
Jung, S., An, J., Kwak, H., Salminen, J., and Jansen, B. J. (2017) Inferring social media users’ demographics from profile pictures: A Face++ analysis on Twitter users, International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2017), Dubai, UAE. p. 140-145. 4-8 December.
For the complete persona research articles from the APG Team, please visit our Persona Research from The APG Team page.
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