Comparing Personas Within A Set With APG

APG personas are data-driven and are full stack personas, meaning that the personas serve as interactive interfaces making the persona, related analytical information, and the underlying data easily accessible

APG Persona Comparison Feature Infographic
APG Persona Comparison Feature Infographic

As such, APG can do things like present a set of personas for comparison. To see some of the comparison features of APG personas, check out this infographic.

APG Persona Comparison Feature Infographic

APG personas! Better personas! Better decisions! Better results!

Want more?

See the book: Jansen, B. J., Salminen, J., Jung, S.G., and Guan, K. (2021). Data-Driven Personas. Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics,1 Carroll, J. (Ed). Morgan-Claypool: San Rafael, CA., 4:1, i-317. Data-Driven Personas on Amazon.

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